GoGoVan API documentation - TW

Getting a quote


curl -X GET \
-H 'GoGoVan-API-Key: b87d2da0-d333-4dbd-b984-b7d05d232fa3' \
-H 'GoGoVan-User-Language: zh-TW' \
-F 'order[name]=John' \
-F 'order[phone_number]=0919829929' \
-F 'order[pickup_time]=2016-01-17T18:00:00Z' \
-F 'order[vehicle]=motorcycle' \
-F 'order[extra_requirements][remark]=Please confirm the following 3 items:
http://example.com/list' \
-F 'order[locations]=[[25.0552809,121.544679,"台北市松山區興安街174巷6號1樓"],[25.1344639,121.506923,"台北市北投區溫泉路68巷24號1樓"]]' \

GoGoVan-User-Language can be en-US zh-TW zh-CN


   "base" : 80,
   "total" : 149,
   "breakdown" : {
      "fee" : {
         "title" : "運費",
         "value" : 149
      "night_extra_charge" : {
         "value" : 149,
         "title" : "夜間附加費"

Requesting for a van


curl -X POST \
-H 'GoGoVan-API-Key: b87d2da0-d333-4dbd-b984-b7d05d232fa3' \
-H 'GoGoVan-User-Language: zh-TW' \
-F 'order[name]=John' \
-F 'order[phone_number]=0989817829' \
-F 'order[pickup_time]=2016-01-17T18:24:01Z' \
-F 'order[vehicle]=motorcycle' \
-F 'order[extra_requirements][remark]=Please confirm the following 3 items:
http://example.com/list' \
-F 'order[locations]=[[25.0552809,121.544679,"台北市松山區興安街174巷6號1樓"],[25.1344639,121.506923,"台北市北投區溫泉路68巷24號1樓"]]' \


{ "id": 729 }

Canceling a request

curl -v -X POST \
-H 'GoGoVan-API-Key: b87d2da0-d333-4dbd-b984-b7d05d232fa3' \
-H 'GoGoVan-User-Language: zh-TW' \

The response will be just HTTP 200 OK with no response body.

Checking status


curl -v -X GET \
-H 'GoGoVan-API-Key: b87d2da0-d333-4dbd-b984-b7d05d232fa3' \
-H 'GoGoVan-User-Language: zh-TW' \


   "name" : "John",
   "price" : 220,
   "id" : 729,
   "phone_number" : "61577364",
   "status" : "pending"
Pending - The order is not picked up by any driver yet
assigned - A driver has been assigned to the order
completed - The order has been marked "completed" by the driver
canelled - The order has been marked "cancelled" by the driver

Getting status notification

An HTTP JSON POST request will be made to a designated URL when the status of an Order changed. It will contain the response in the format of checking status.

It will also contain a field named event, with the following possible values:

assigned - A driver has been assigned to the order
completed - The order has been marked "completed" by the driver
canelled - The order has been marked "cancelled" by the driver